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Four weeks - and now in Spain

A few cartons of the book are still on the high seas, making their way to Europe and the US, but copies Pete at Blacksmith Books has sent have reached the UK ... and some people have even had time to read it. Its thrilling to get feedback (of course, I'm lucky that so far all has been positive). Four days after launch I sent copies to people who'd contributed a great deal ... and but by whatever vagaries of the post, they are only now arriving. I am DELIGHTED to hear that Raymond O'Sullivan of Newmarket (and Spain) has his copy today. Raymond ... a different O'Sullivan branch line ... is the source of all Newmarket historical wisdom. He's said that I can put up this photo and I hope he won't mind if I add his wonderful 'Fond Memories' - a visual poem about Island Wood, where many of the men I write about hailed from. Its just a little south west of Newmarket town itself and a beautiful place - as you will see and hear. Thanks, Raymond, for all your help.

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